How to Have the Perfect Magic Mushroom Trip – Everything you Need to Know 2021


We receive a lot of emails from our customers asking us about how they should take magic mushrooms to get the best experience:

“What should I eat or drink with them?”

“Should I take them alone or in a group?”

“Are magic mushrooms better inside or outside?”

“Which shrooms give the best trip?”

The list goes on. We try our best to give responsible advice and help our customers find the answers to their questions, but there is a really simple truth behind all of it. In fact, we could answer all of these questions (and 100 more) with the same, two-word answer.

It depends.

You might be rolling your eyes right now, but it’s the truth. The usage of psychedelic mushrooms (often referred to as “magic mushrooms”, or simply “shrooms,”) dates back thousands of years, in cultures as diverse and distinct as the mushrooms themselves. They’ve been used in shamanic ceremonies, vision quests, and ritual rites of passage. More recently (in the past 50 or so years), we’ve seen magic mushrooms enter into the mainstream and find a home in the world of recreational drugs.

At the end of the day, there are many different ways that magic mushrooms can be used and enjoyed – whether for recreation, meditation, spiritual growth, with friends or alone. In this guide, we’ve provided you with some general tips – golden rules on how to prepare for your trip, and what to do if it takes a bad turn. We’ve also provided some tips for different scenarios in which you might want to use shrooms, and how to get the most out of them. We hope you find it helpful!

How to Use This Guide

We don’t intend for this entire post to be read in one sitting (although you’re welcome to do that if you’d like!) But rather, as a reference for budding psychonauts to be able to return to, depending on the type of experience they’re trying to create. You will never experience everything magic mushrooms have to offer you in one experience, so we’ve selected a handful of the most common and popular use cases people ask us about, and written little mini-guides for each of them.

At the top of this post, you’ll see a Table of Contents, with links to the relevant sections of the guide. We strongly recommend everyone read “Prepare Yourself” and “What to Do if your Trip Goes Dark,” and aside from that just pick the section that seems most relevant to you and the kind of trip you’re looking to have.

Enjoy! And remember to bookmark this guide so you can refer back to it easily for when you plan your next psychedelic adventure!

Prepare Yourself

No matter what kind of trip you’re looking to have, there are some general best practices that should always be observed. These are basic tips more-or-less designed to help you maximize the highs and minimize the lows of your trip by preparing a little beforehand. Let’s get into them:

Tip #1: Eat a Light Meal

The psilocybin and other psychoactive components of the mushroom are absorbed through the lining of your stomach as your body’s natural acids break them down in the process of digestion. Roughly speaking, the emptier your stomach is as you digest the shrooms, the more rapidly and intensely you will feel the effects.

If you’ve just finished a huge Thanksgiving feast, it’s possible your body will process the mushrooms and fully digest them without even absorbing the psychoactive chemicals. This would completely defeat the purpose.

At the same time, if you’re eating the mushrooms on an empty stomach, your body has nothing to process except the shrooms (which possess very little in the way of conventional nutrients), and it can cause extreme nausea, light-headedness, and general malaise (not to mention you might just be hangry), all of which can make the trip unpleasant.

For that reason, we recommend “laying down a base” of some light and easily digested food (vegetables, fibres, simple fats and proteins) before taking the mushrooms. Don’t eat too much, but don’t starve yourself, either.

Tip #2: Nausea is Normal

An unfortunate and almost universal side effect of consuming magic mushrooms is the experience of nausea. For those who aren’t accustomed to the experience (and even veteran psychonauts at times,) this can be an extremely unpleasant and off-putting experience. The key thing to remember is that the sensation of nausea is a completely normal and natural part of the experience.

The psychoactive components of the mushrooms are being rightly recognized by your body as something foreign, and potentially unwanted. Your body doesn’t know you’re trying to trip, and it’s worried you just picked up some shrooms off the ground without knowing what effects they’d have. For this reason, your body’s natural immune-defence mechanisms kick in and will make you feel nauseous (faint, clammy, and like you want to throw up.) Your body is saying “Hey! Those mushrooms you just ate pack a little punch, maybe we should just throw them up and be done with it!”

This experience will be further aggravated if you took the mushrooms on an empty stomach (see tip #1), or took a much larger dose than you were ready for (see tip #3.) Assuming you’ve had a decent meal and taken a responsible dosage, a part of your experience will be coming to terms with and working through that sensation of nausea.

Close your eyes, take deep breaths, drink water. Find your center, and remind your body that this is something you did on purpose. You may have to suppress the urge to throw-up or feel faint, but just stay calm and breathe through it. The feelings will eventually pass (your body will give up on the fight – “Okay, boss! Your call, but don’t say I didn’t warn you… we’re in for a ride!”)

Tip #3: Practice Moderation

This is probably the most important, and most serious of all the tips. Magic mushrooms are an incredibly powerful psychoactive substance, and should not be taken lightly. There are so many stories of people who have underestimated the potency of shrooms and paid the price. Eminem even wrote a song about it. You don’t want to be one of those stories, and neither do we, so pace yourself!

If it’s your first time doing magic mushrooms, we recommend starting off with a 1-1.5g dose of a “friendlier” shroom (more on that later), such as Golden Teachers. Does this mean the experience might be underwhelming, and you don’t trip as much as you wanted to? Yes! Does it mean that you won’t end up having a terrible experience and never wanting to do them again? Also Yes! And frankly, we would much prefer the first situation to the second, and I’m sure you would, too.

Once you’re familiar with magic mushrooms, you can look to start expanding from there – more intense shrooms, larger doses, etc. Again, we recommend doing this gradually. The psychedelic trip from mushrooms can be extremely powerful, and the difference between a one-gram dose and a three-gram dose can be night and day. Be patient. You can always take more, but you can’t take less (without throwing them up anyway, and we don’t want that.)

Respect the shrooms. They will work (if you got them from a reputable supplier.) Don’t go overboard. It is one thousand times better to have a mediocre experience than a bad one. Take our word for it. You’ll thank us later.

Tip #4: Buddy System

No matter who you are, where you are, or how experienced you are with shrooms or other psychedelics, this is a golden rule which should always be observed. Any time you take magic mushrooms, you should have someone you know and trust who knows about it.

It could be a sober friend who’s hanging out with you (this is the safest option,) a buddy you’re taking them with, or at the very least, someone who knows where you are, when you’re taking them and can check in with you. Mushroom trips can be, well, a trip. Make sure you’ve got someone who will be available to talk to you if you feel like you need to.

Tip #5: Don’t Mix With Other Substances

It is unwise to mix psychedelic mushrooms with any other intoxicating substance (alcohol, weed, or any other drug.)

Tip #6: Make Sure You Have Time

Magic mushrooms, depending on dosage, strain, and personal biology can take 3-8 hours to run their course. Make sure you have the time set aside for it; there’s no turning back on your strap in, so clear your calendar beforehand.

What to Do if Your Trip Goes Dark

I’m sure you have heard stories about people on magic mushrooms who’ve had “bad trips.” Magic mushrooms and other psychedelics can be powerful gateways to opening up different and sometimes unpredictable parts of our subconscious. Without diving too much into the science behind it (that’s a subject we’ll cover on another day,) clinical studies have suggested that psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient in many magic mushrooms,) when it is broken down into psilocin, chemically resembles serotonin, which your body produces naturally. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter linked with (among many other things) your overall mood and level of happiness.

This is just a really fancy way of saying that magic mushrooms can affect your mood. Often extremely positively (euphoria, love, openness, etc. are some of the most commonly reported side effects,) but sometimes negatively (mood swings, anxiety, confusion and paranoia.) Although a shroom trip is sometimes likened to a rollercoaster ride with peaks and valleys, and you can’t necessarily control every minute detail of your experience, there are certain steps you can take to help minimize the lows and maximize the highs.

Tip #1: Follow our general tips and tricks!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Preparing properly for your trip and taking the appropriate steps beforehand goes a long way to ensuring a good experience.

Tip #2: Have a Happy Place

Happy Place. Literally, or figuratively, can help a lot. If you’re doing mushrooms with friends, one idea is to have a “good vibes” room. You will agree beforehand that a certain room is designated specifically for good vibes. Play happy music, have it nicely lit, and have that be a dedicated space where people can go if they want to be uplifted. This way, if you’re starting to feel overwhelmed with negativity, you can go there a pick-me-up!

If you’re taking them by yourself or on a hike, make sure you have a strategy to carve out a similar space for yourself. Find a sunny clearing, or put on some cheerful music (have your playlist prepared beforehand.) This advice may sound a little silly, but again – just trust us: you’ll thank us later. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Tip #3: It’s Not Forever!

Some users of mushrooms report anxiety associated with the concern that they’re going to be high forever. It might sound ridiculous as you read this now, but it can be a very real concern that can cause very real anxiety attacks. Remind yourself, and have your friends be ready to remind you in case you forget: this isn’t going to last forever – so enjoy it while it lasts! You will come back to normal, the psilocybin will run its course through your body, and this trip will be a memory tomorrow. Have faith in that. You’re not the first person to do mushrooms, and you’re not the first one to worry they’d last forever.

Tip #4: Close your Eyes and Breathe

Sometimes the sensation of anxiety is much more physical than mental in nature. The steps that are often recommended for dealing with anxiety in day-to-day life (meditating, deep breathing, relaxing your muscles,) also apply to magic mushroom trips. Often, if you find yourself feeling anxious or agitated, the best first step is to sit down somewhere comfortable, close your eyes, and focus on your own breath as you inhale and exhale slowly and deliberately.

That’s it! We hope you found some of this information helpful, and if you have any questions or feedback, we invite you to contact us directly at [contact email], or reach out on Instagram. If you haven’t already, click below to subscribe to our newsletter, where we’ll keep you updated on all of our sales and promotions, as well as when new blog content is published. Until then, Happy Tripping!

Your First Magic Mushroom Trip

So you’re trying magic mushrooms for the first time – congratulations on taking this step! There are definitely some important things to keep in mind:

  • Read (and re-read) all of the “Planning for Success” and “What to Do if your Trip Goes Dark” tips and follow them to the letter
  • Start with a small dosage of 1-1.5 grams. You won’t have a completely wild trip this way, but you can always do it again another time, and it is 1000x better to have an underwhelming experience than an overwhelming one your first time.
  • For your first trip especially, we recommend doing it with friends. Mushrooms can make you feel funny things, and it is often helpful if you have someone with you (especially someone who has done them before) to talk about it.
  • Stay calm. Who knows where the shrooms will take you – but try to stay calm. Making an effort to keep yourself level will make the overall trip much more enjoyable.
  • Most importantly: have fun! Enjoy the experience. Mushrooms can unlock so much of the hidden beauty in yourself and the world around you. Enjoy yourself – and let us know how it goes!


The Perfect Hike on Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms and hikes in nature go together like peanut butter and jelly. One of the beautiful and frequently reported effects of magic mushroom use is a deepened appreciation for the natural world around us. This can manifest in many different ways – the simplest way to put it is that people will often see the beauty in everyday things that they’d never noticed before. The patterns of visual hallucinations dance together with nature’s inherent beauty, and you’ll find yourself looking at the leaf for five minutes wondering how you’d never noticed how amazing they are before.

These realizations often stay with you long after the high subsides. Nature was always that amazing! Mushrooms just helped you to see it. We do have some tips for enjoying hikes though:

  • Plan a long hike, or one where you can make comfortable stops to chill for a bit. Your high will last 3-8 hours; if you’ve only got a 30 minute walk planned, you’ll need to go at a very slow pace. Try to find somewhere you can explore for hours.
  • Go with friends, especially if you’re a novice mushroom user or if the trails present any danger or difficulty. Remember the buddy system!
  • Pick a safe trail. Actually, don’t go to any trails that present real danger. That seems like a dumb idea.
  • Take time to stop and wonder. The world is beautiful, but you’ve got to stop to smell the roses.
  • Take mushrooms when you get there. No driving and mushrooms ever. Take the shrooms when you’ve arrived at your destination, and make sure you have enough time for them to run their course before you have to drive again.
  • Try to find a less crowded hike, and ideally one with no (or very few) children. Being forced to interact with a stranger’s kids while in shrooms is not ideal. Take our word for it.
  • Last tip, as always: enjoy! You’re in for a treat, and we’re excited for you!

Enjoying Magic Mushrooms with Your Friends

Magic Mushrooms can be a blast when taken with a group of friends. Sometimes your trip will be spiritual, sometimes a little lighter. Sometimes it’s funny and full of giggles, sometimes it’s more serious. Sometimes it’s happy, and sometimes it’s sad. Often, it’ll go through phases of lightness and darkness. This can be a really amazing and powerful experience to share with a close group of friends, and will often result in new levels of honesty and openness that will positively impact and strengthen your relationship forever. Here are some quick tips:

  • Do it with close friends. The closer you are, the better it will be. Mushrooms can sometimes bring to the surface buried vulnerabilities – and it’s easier with friends than with strangers to lean into that.
  • If someone in the group is sober, make sure they know what the rest of you are up to. It will be less weird for everyone, trust us.
  • Do it somewhere safe. This goes for any mushroom trip – but make sure you’re somewhere that everyone feels comfortable.
  • If someone wants space, respect that. Sometimes, mushrooms make us a little more introverted for a bit. If your friend wants some space to be alone with their thoughts for a bit, respect their desire for space – but make sure they know you’re there for them if they need you.
  • Be ready to help out. Sometimes mushroom trips have highs and lows. If someone seems like they’re having a bad time (different than if they need space), chip in together to cheer them up and remind them you’re in it together. Things will start looking up for them again quickly.
  • Don’t mix with other substances. I know we mentioned it before, but really guys – magic mushrooms are sacred, and they are powerful. They should be treated with reverence and respect – and trust us: you’re not going to need anything else. The mushrooms will be enough.

Using Magic Mushrooms By Yourself

Magic mushrooms, when used alone, can be a powerful tool for introspection and can be genuinely transformative. Mushrooms will open you up to new ideas in ways that stick with you for a long time. There have been hundreds of studies that indicate how incredibly powerful these little shrooms can be in the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD and so much more. Mushroom trips can also be pretty dark, and that can be kind of scary alone. For that reason, we don’t recommend using alone for first-timers. As the author of this article, however, I can tell you with absolute certainty that the most impactful and powerful trips I’ve had have been solo. And we do have some tips:

  • Buddy System! Even if you’re alone, make sure someone you know and trust knows what you’re doing, where you are, and when you’re planning to take them. You can ask them to check in with you periodically, or just keep their phone on them in case you need to call. This is a golden rule and should always be followed.
  • Set an intention. Often, when mushrooms are taken alone, it’s done to provide insight into a specific issue or theme in one’s life. It can be useful to set an intention going into the trip – more or less, what you’re trying to get out of it. Maybe you want insight into how you relate to other people. It could be about your job, or your girlfriend. It could be about the nature and purpose of your life. But if you go into the trip with an intention in mind, and hold it in your mind, they will work around that idea.
  • Make playlists. Be creative and have fun with it. Make some playlists for yourself to listen to, possibly inspired by the intention you set for yourself in the previous tip. Or maybe you just want to listen to Jimi’s solo on Voodoo Child. Either way, it’s nice to have some music lined up for yourself.
  • Meditate. There are many different kinds of meditation, but mindfulness meditation can be especially insightful while on magic mushrooms. You can do it alone or with a guided meditation app or video. Again, just trust us on this and you’ll thank us later.
  • Remain calm. You might, at various points in your trip, find yourself feeling overwhelmed. It’s natural, and it’s a part of the process. Get comfortable, put on a familiar song, practice deep breathing and meditation and find your centre. You can control your experience, even though sometimes you feel you can’t.
  • Tell us about it! Send us an email or DM about your experience – we love hearing about different people’s stories, and we’d love to hear yours.

Magic Mushrooms as Therapy

There are a number of different studies (it seems a new one pops up every week) that talk about the incredible potential for psychedelic mushrooms in therapy. There are promising studies that showcase their potential in the treatment of a number of different psychological disorders. If your intentions behind using magic mushrooms are therapeutic in nature, we ask you to please consult a therapist first. You can find licensed therapists who incorporate psychedelics into their treatments, and you should absolutely find one and speak with them first before using magic mushrooms for the treatment of clinical issues. We won’t recommend anything further here, as that is the cardinal rule for magic mushrooms as therapy.

Closing Thoughts

Well, that’s it! Thank you for taking the time to read this article (or the parts of it that were relevant to you), and remember to bookmark it for future reference.

Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms 

So you want to try microdosing magic mushrooms after reading about its many benefits but you don’t know where to start? Well, you’ve come to the right place! And if you haven’t read about the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms, then read our blog on how it can change your life for the better. 

As defined microdosing is consuming sub-perceptual-unnoticeable-amounts of psychedelic substance. So the goal of microdosing is not to have a large noticeable change in mood or mindset, nor are you supposed to have any visual experiences that you get with a normal mushroom dose. 

How Much Should I Microdose? 

No microdose amount will be the same for everyone. This is due to factors in height and weight that can change a person’s reaction to a dose. However, the standard range for a microdose (of dried stems) is 0.15-0.3g. Dr. James Fardiman gave cautious advice in his book, “Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide” when microdosing. He recommends to always start low, then gradually increase the dosage to find out what works for you. However, if you quickly want to find what works best for you then take a higher dose that will garner a noticeable effect and lower it until you find that sweet spot. Typically, a slightly higher dose (of dried stems) is 0.5g-1g and a “normal trip” dose would be 2-3g. 

How Often Should I Microdose? 

Dr. Fardiman recommends taking a microdose every three days and in the morning. The reason being it will give you the most energy when you need it the most and because mushrooms could interfere with sleep. However, there are many schedules that you can follow and you just have to experiment to figure out which one works best for you with your daily routines. The second schedule is for the slightly ‘experienced’ person, and that is to take a microdose every weekday (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.). Specifically, this is perfect for those that want to test microdosing for potential improvements at work. However, it’s important to note that microdosing too often and without a break can produce tolerance and eventually, cause diminishing returns. For this reason, Dr. Fardiman suggests leaving a couple days between each dose. The third schedule is taking a microdose every other day, which amounts to 3-4 times a week. 

It’s important to take notes on how you feel during this time so you can track the short-term effects as well as the long-term effects. This can also be used to determine whether you need to change up your schedule or your dosage. Another piece of advice is to potentially take a day off of work or any other pressing responsibilities that you may have. This will give you time to observe and notice any unusual effects before proceeding in a more public environment.

What’s the Best Form to Microdose? 

The potency of magic mushrooms vary resulting in an inconsistent psilocybin microdosing experience. On average, the caps of the mushrooms are slightly more potent than the stems as they carry more psilocybin. To combat this inconsistency, the best way to microdose mushrooms is in a powder form. You can do this by grinding dried mushrooms into a fine powder. Remember to weigh the microdose amount before they are turned into a powder. We recommend using an electronic scale for the accurate results. There are a variety of ways to distribute the microdoses for easier ingesting. The first being mushrooms capsules. To do this, you’ll need a capsule filler which allows you to fill many capsules at the same time. The second method is to use micro scoops. Just place your powder in a small container and use a small scoop to measure out your doses.

There are many other ways to microdose besides the pill form. Another popular method is making a mushroom tea with your microdose. It’s easy to make and can be very soothing, especially when mixed with honey. 

To properly store your mushrooms, store them in a cool, dark, and dry place. The expiration date should be a few years or even longer if there is no light, moisture, or heat to affect the psilocybin.

Where Can I Get Mushrooms to Microdose? 

Here at Shroom Bros! We provide our customers with the best quality magic mushrooms there i

5 reasons to Buy Magic Shrooms Online Canada

High-quality products – Here at Shroom Bros, we search far and wide for quality mushroom products. We have high standards and only accept the best to sell on our website. Our specialists know exactly what to look for to get you the best stuff out there. Some of the exclusive areas our mushroom products come from include: Central America, Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, and right here in Canada.

Quality control – At Shroom Bros, we go through several steps to make sure that the products you receive are of the highest quality. First, we wear safety gear such as sterile gloves while handling all products. Next, sanitizing shrooms is another important part of our process. While we love our psilocybin trips as well, the fungi that can grow on magic mushrooms is something you actually don’t want! Lastly, you will know that the products you have received from us are sterile because of our air-sealed and tamper-proof packaging. Be sure to reach out to us if your package appears to have been tampered with upon delivery!

Discreet packaging – We understand your need for privacy so we deliver all our packages in discreet packaging. Only the items inside your plain envelope/box will have our branded ‘Shroom Bros’ envelopes inside with our wonderful magic mushroom products. We will also have a discreet return address on the outside of your package. You don’t have to worry about nosy landlords, roommates or family members asking you about what goodies you just received!

Various payment forms accepted – For your convenience, we accept e-transfer, bitcoin or ethereum payments. Once your payment has been approved and received (this usually takes up to 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends) we will send out your package with your magic mushrooms right away. These payment forms also further ensure your privacy versus other forms of online payment such as interac transfer or credit card payment.

Fast delivery – We know you want your magic mushrooms fast! This is why we ship all of our packages via Canada Post Priority shipping to reach you within 1-3 business days. If you place your order before 1pm PST Monday-Friday, we will ship your package out the same day! We also offer low shipping rates or shipping is even free for orders over $150. And remember, it’s safer to receive your magic mushrooms online than to go and meet your ‘shrooms guy’. So sit back, relax, and before you know it, your high-quality Shroom Bros products will arrive on your doorstep!

How Microdosing Magic Mushrooms Can Change Your Life

Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing mushrooms have rapidly become mainstream in the last couple of years. The topic of psychedelics has been around as late as the 1905s, but it was only until 2011 that it gained a newfound interest. Dr. James Fardiman wrote The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys, which link microdosing with various benefits and normalized the practice to the mainstream public. With cities decriminalizing mushrooms, stories on various Silicon Valley tech execs swearing by this practice to boost creativity and productivity, and many other people who have found that it changed their life, it’s not hard to see why it’s gaining popularity. 

What is microdosing? 

Microdosing is the act of consuming sub-perceptual-unnoticeable-amounts of a psychedelic substance. Since psychedelics like magic mushrooms are known to essentially rewire the brain, taking minuscule amounts to aim to have the same effect without the high and trippy effect. Essentially, if taken at the right dosage, it can have a wide range of benefits from treating anxiety to increasing productivity. The active ingredient that allows magic mushrooms to have this effect is psilocybin, which can have the same effect as nootropics if taken as a microdose. Nootropics or “smart drugs” is any “natural or synthetic substance that may have a positive impact on mental skills”. They are known to boost brain performance and they are often called cognitive enhancers or memory-enhancing substances. There are natural and synthetic nootropics, ranging from caffeine to prescription nootropics. Other natural types include Lion’s Mane, Panax ginseng, and Creatine. 


The Science Behind Microdosing Psilocybin

Psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin share a similar structure to the chemical serotonin. Serotonin is one of the brain’s most important neurotransmitters and it affects almost everything that we do, such as processing emotion and information. Psilocybin works along a similar pathway to serotonin, which results in your brain producing a similar effect to serotonin. The main effect is to stimulate a serotonin receptor called “5-HT2A” which is found in the prefrontal cortex. Stimulating this receptor results in two key results. The first being triggering the production of “Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which stimulates growth, connections, and activity. The second being increased transmission of “Glutamate”, the neurotransmitter most responsible for brain functions like cognition, learning, and memory.

What are the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms? 

The main benefits of microdosing psilocybin on a regular basis report higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills. Combined, these can positively impact job performance and in some cases help those struggling to find a clear career direction and purpose. Other psychological issues that microdosing psilocybin can help with is alleviating mood disorders and anxiety. Medically, it is reported to treat cluster headaches, resulting in extended periods of remission. Lastly, it is known to increase spiritual awareness, attitudes of life, and altruism. Ultimately, microdosing psilocybin results in a more positive life experience when taken at the right dosage. 

Buy microdose magic shrooms in Canada


5 Ways Magic Mushrooms Can Change Your Life For the Better

5 Ways Magic Mushrooms Can Change Your Life For the Better

I’m sure we’ve seen the classic depiction of shrooms in movies or TV. Usually portrayed as walls moving or perhaps a second head growing on a person. While we’re not saying that these aren’t things that you won’t experience on shrooms, there’s another side to shrooms that have not been reported as much by mainstream media, until recently. 

Scientific experts have been studying shrooms extensively for the past decade and they found that they contain an abundance of health benefits. The magic component that is making all this possible is psilocybin’ which naturally occurs in shrooms. We’ve listed the top 5 benefits that you can experience from consuming shrooms. 

1. Treating depression and easing anxiety 

The discovery that mushrooms have been proven to treat depression and anxiety has led to therapy sessions that involve magic mushrooms: psilocybin therapy sessions. Researchers are on the shroom bandwagon as they found that psilocybin can change certain patterns of the brain. It’s said that the brain becomes more malleable which makes it easier for those to break out their rigid, restrictive patterns. This allows for those struggling to see, feel, and do things in a new way and essentially leaves them feeling more balanced and restored. 

2. Sparking creativity 

Struggling to write that book? Well magic mushrooms can be your answer. Researchers have found that magic mushrooms can boost creativity for up to a week. To obtain these results, psychological tests were done on participants on the day before, the day after, and one week after their shroom experience. These tests were designed to test convergent and divergent thinking, both a component of creativity. Convergent thinking is the process of “taking in lots of information to come up with a single solution to a complicated challenge”, while divergent thinking refers to creating multiple solutions from a small amount of information. Results proved that divergent thinking was increased the day after taking shrooms, while increases in convergent thinking became noticeable after a week. 

3. Smoking cessation and other addictions 

Due to shrooms’ ability to break patterns in the brain, magic mushrooms can help treat substance use disorders. It allows people to see the bigger picture and ultimately, the negative impact their addiction is causing. This was proved through a small pilot study from John Hopkins University which found that psilocybin therapy helped participants quit smoking over a 12-month follow-up period. 

4. Positive shifts in mindset

There are many amazing things about life, but over the course of our life, there are many negative experiences that can change our mindset to become more pessimistic. We close ourselves off and shut out new experiences. This is where magic mushrooms come in and help us open up to certain experiences and essentially gain a sense of novelty again. Openness” is the term used to describe someone’s attitude towards new experiences and this is associated with other traits like imagination and creativity. 

5. Stimulates growth of new brain cells

This conclusion was only recently discovered through a study conducted to study the effects of psilocybin on fear-conditioned mice. They found that this component allowed the mice to overcome their fear and initiated new neuron growth and regeneration in their brains. While this study was done on mice and not yet humans, this is a significant conclusion that can one day be transferred to humans. 


There are countless benefits to consuming shrooms and we’ve only scratched the surface. It is no surprise that shrooms are quickly becoming the new hot trend to solving a myriad of mental health and general health problems. So what are you waiting for? Shop ShroomBros now to experience the magic of magic mushrooms. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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